South of the Meditteranean
You can believe that the Mediterranean South Coast goes for the Tangiers of "Sheltering Sky" by Paul Bowles, pass by Albert Camus Algiers, and end in the Alexandria of "Justine and the Quatuor" by Lawrence Durrell, but don't forget that beyond the coastline are hidden the mysteries of the desert and a pleiad of outstanding North African writers. Tahar Ben Jelloun and Mohamed Choukry from Morroco. Moloud Feraoun and Assia Djebar from Algeria. Albert Memmi and his reflections on the modernization of Islam and Yamen Manai from Tunisia. Ibrahim Al Koni, Ahmed Fagib, and Hishan Matar from Lybia, And great women writers such as Leila Slimani from Morocco, Leiia Merouane and Assia Djebar from Algeria, Gisele Halimi from Tunisia, and Nawal El Saadawy from Egypt.